Wednesday, September 19, 2018

daydreaming about mendicancy

hi friends! what's mendicancy? begging and relying on charitable donations to survive.

to summarize, i spend a fair amount of time daydreaming about what it might be like to be a honest-to-goodness homeless wandering monk. i am sure it would be terrible but it also has some appeal that i can't fight off.

i think about it a lot. quitting my job, wandering off into the desert or the mountains to live, doing tons of meditation, etc. i know it's unlikely and i know that it would be foolish, and yet here i am.

i'd stay in the Bookcliffs all summer, trying to stay cool and studying during the day and find water and meditate in the evenings. i'd adhere to one of the approved aesthetic practices, which would be only eating food once a day and only eating that food from a single bowl. it would be a tough life, likely ultimately unsustainable, and yet.

anyway, silly daydreams on my part aside, the actual tudong monks who wandered Thailand's forests in the first half of the 20th century are fascinating and well worth reading about.

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