Monday, November 19, 2018

commonplace book

hi friends!

i've been thinking off and on for some time about the idea of what has historically been called the commonplace book. this is similar to but distinct from the idea of a journal or diary, in that the commonplace book is a record of thoughts and ideas from other places that you feel are important enough to write down.

i've tried at various times to keep something like that and have had varied successes. i think for 2019 one of my projects might be a commonplace book/journal that could include thoughts and teachings in zen, daily expenditures, hikes, etc.

to be honest, i've been drawn towards journaling/diary-ing for a long time but also want to include concepts in books that i've read, websites, plans for things, diagrams, etc. i think it's time to start!

do you keep a journal? i know some people see blogging as their commonplace book, but i don't stop by here regularly enough for that.

anyway, more thoughts to come probably.

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